
Abordajes de actualidad

Escrevo palavra célula

palavra que balbucia e murmura palavra que afaga e tranca palavra que draga e tortura palavra que paga e arranca palavra que gagueja e fissura palavra que braveja e imanta palavra que silencia ou falta palavra que fica e escapa palavra que escarpa e escalpa palavra que lamina e retorna palavra que mastiga e se enrola palavra que morde e …

Herramientas para visitar otros mundos sin salir de casa

Cuando la realidad de esta pandemia no nos dejó más escapatoria que cancelar las funciones y recluirnos, me dispuse a buscar refugio junto a mi familia en nuestro querido Tepozclán, como le llamo. Empaqué todo lo que me pareció indispensable para un tiempo incierto, incluyendo una gran bolsa (de esas que parece que no tienen fondo) con materiales diversos para …

Between physical connectivity and digital overwhelmness

We spend a third of our lives, if not more at work. We often see our colleagues more than our families or friends or partners.  People may joke about having a work partner/wife/husband which can be an incredibly powerful relationship, intimate yet platonic. Now, suddenly, there is absence. Different from when we go on holiday or a weekend. There is …

Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease): Past and Present Parallels with the Covid-19 Pandemic

The Corona virus or Covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented event in our lifetimes, but as the disease has spread worldwide and country-specific policies are implemented, parallels with responses to other infectious-contagious diseases begin to stand out. My research focus within medical anthropology has been on leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) treatment, stigma, and policy. There are many similar phenomena in terms how …