Llego a Berlín el lunes 10 de febrero de 2020. Es una oscura y fría mañana de invierno. Sebastian de DAAD, mi anfitrión, me recoge en el aeropuerto Tegel. Estoy entusiasmado por comenzar mi prestigiosa beca de un año en Berlín como uno de los Artistas en Residencia de DAAD. Cada año DAAD ofrece una prestigiosa beca para residencia de …
Abordajes de actualidad
COVID-19 is about innovation and readiness
During this time of working from home, I have pondered and compared a bit between what happened when Indonesia faced the 1998 political-economic crisis and the current COVID-19 emergency. If anyone assumes that the impact of COVID will only be felt for a few months (especially in Indonesia), you are dreaming. COVID will have an impact at least of one …
COVID-19, its aftermath and disabled people: What is the connection to ethics?
One statement came out on May 18, but I only see this now which is in essence highlighting many of the 11 points in my piece below. Joint Statement on the Disability-Inclusive Response to COVID-19 – Towards a Better Future for All (A Response to the Secretary-General’s Policy Brief; A Statement by 138 Member States and Observers May 18). Many people talk …
A message from the Netherlands. Corona news: humans infected by minks
The pandemic started in China at the end of 2019 and has spread rapidly across the globe. The Netherlands has also had its share. To date, the 14th of June 2020, there are officially 49 thousand people in the Netherlands tested positive for corona, 12 thousand people have been admitted to hospitals, and 6 thousand people have died. In reality, …
La segunda cuarentena
1. Veo algunos miles marchado orondos por las calles de Berlín, Madrid o de las ciudades de Estados Unidos, negando la pandemia, quejándose de que han mermado sus libertades individuales, esbozando teorías conspiranoicas; abjurando, incluso burlándose, del uso de la mascarilla. Se merecen esa foto que circuló en redes sociales, en la cual dos integrantes del equipo de salud de …